We have solved what others only promise.

Why? We have practiced emergency medicine, and we know what you do matters. And we know the system should work better, be more efficient, a win-win.

All EDs have bottlenecks that sludge the patient care process.

We manage patient flow, so that you can focus on the patient.

CarePulse Software ensures quality, timely emergency department care, capturing lost revenue and market share.


What is CarePulse?

What problem do we solve?

  • Hospital Profitability and Quality begins in the ED

    • 43 of 100 people will visit an ED this year

    • 65-75% of your admissions come to the ED First.

  • Waiting- all EDs have a wait,

    • most commonly between noon and 10 pm.

    • Patients who wait increase risk, decrease quality and increase cost.

    • 10 patient leaving without being seen equates to millions of lost profit annually.

    • Decreases waiting by improving the viability and accountability of your most critical resources- your beds and your staff

CarePulse is:

  • HIPPA compliant, cloud-based web application

  • Measures 59 patient care and resource bottlenecks, many previously hidden, and unmanaged and uncontrolled

  • Real-time data promotes involvement of all levels of management. Visualize real problems, real-time.

  • CarePulse Real time problem solving removes the age-old “pulling out the retrospectoscope” or using Gestalt. The data analyzation speaks for itself.

CarePulse Value Proposition::

  • Increase revenue by capturing LWBS and lost market share.

    • 10 patients LWBS per day equates to over $2 Million in lost profit

  • Improve Satisfaction of staff and patient by removing the daily problems that are often hidden.

  • Improve all ED throughput metrics and increases capacity.

    • Door to Doctor

    • ED Discharge patient Length of Stay

    • ED Admitted patient Length of Stay

    • Decrease patients who leave without being seen (LWBS)


For Nurses and Nursing Leadership

emergency nurse 2.jpg

Manage the real problem, REAL TIME

What do you need the most?

  • Staffed Beds?

  • Nurses?

  • Physicians?

  • Live data to manage the department and staff?

  • Live-data to help locate the root cause of patient care issues?

CarePulse analytics will help you to visualize and utilize these critical resource efficiently. With transparent real-time reporting of throughput, potential stoppages can be averted by accountability of each department and staff member.. Flow problems can be identified and corrected real-time, when time matters the most.

CarePulse accurately allows your staff to manage the daily issues with patient flow, and helps you to sort out the chaos when needed.

Our goal is to help facilitate the most timely care possible.

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For C-Suite Executives and Administrators


Market Share and Growth Strategy

  • Market share loss- are your patients leaving your emergency department because they are waiting too long for care? is your LWBS over 1%? We can help.

  • Is your CMS Quality Reimbursements below what you expect? We decrease door to treatment time, the biggest driver of quality.

  • Is your management having difficulty in finding lasting solutions?

CarePulse Software helps visualize and manage real-time the functioning and efficiency of patient care improving Door to doctor times and decreasing patients leaving before being seen. The contribution margin of a single patient leaving is significant. LWBS are also a medical-legal risk. CarePulse software decreases LWBS, increases revenue and care quality by focusing your team on what matters most.

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For Emergency Physicians


Show me the data

  • Are you frustrated with the inefficiencies of the ED?

  • Are you or your seasoned colleagues feeling burnt out?

  • Is your end-game spent bird dogging lab and radiology results?

  • Are Admissions and Psych patients clogging your ED and slugging your flow?

CarePulse improves ED efficiency by measuring, monitoring and alerting ancillary staff when results are delayed, ensuring timely diagnostics. CarePulse functions to improve ED flow, ensuring improved throughput and door to doctor times, which decrease your malpractice risk. CarePulse also increases capacity, allowing increased RVU and revenue.

With transparent real-time reporting of throughput, potential stoppages can be averted by accountability of each department. Flow problems can be identified and corrected instantly. 

[read more]

Working as one, moving patient care forward


Hospital employees are in the business because they care. Processes have separated departments into individual silos. With transparency from each department, the patient moves to the front of the line. Each department now can see where any potential stoppage slows down the emergency care process and works together as one to move emergency medical care forward. CarePulse promotes this with real-time transparency and accountability. Patient care is no longer held up because a department in the emergency care chain is not updated on need.

Our mission is simple: to make emergency care healthy once again.



Is there a decline in the quality of healthcare?


It's no secret healthcare in the U.S. and around the world has been the subject of much scrutiny. Doctors and administrators are scrambling to identify the problems plaguing the "health" of hospitals in the past 20 years. Statistics prove that a crisis exists in the healthcare system, especially in emergency department care. The sampling of headlines below reflect the growing concern from continued decline and negative reporting. 




Is it a personnel or process problem?

“Medical errors do not result from … a ‘bad apple’ problem. More commonly, errors are caused by faulty systems, process, and conditions that lead people to make mistakes or fail to prevent them.” 
— Institute of Medicine

“The reality across the nation is hospitals operate in an environment of responsibility-shifting, finger-pointing, and general inefficiency resulting in compromised patient care, lower staff morale, and leaner revenue.” – Dr. Jeffrey R. Dreyer  

Let's look below at some of the contributing factors to the increasing pressure on emergency department care today.



Insurance Pays Less
Insurance companies complain of runaway costs and begin limiting the amount paid on hospitalization costs. This leaves a burden on the hospital when patients can't afford to absorb those differences. Often the debt must be forgiven by the hospital and reflects in diminishing profits.


Hospital Profits Decline
Hospitals are very expensive to build, run and maintain. Through technology much has improved, but hospitals cannot stay open without money for salaries, supplies and bills. As profits decrease, staff is reduced, creating more stress due to expected performance from the remaining staff. 

ED Closures
When decreased profits and increased debt in hospitals hits critical mass, budget cuts decrease staff causing performance, cleanliness and care to suffer. As the burden of debt to profit becomes too great, the hospital must close down departments. The emergency department is often the first to go.

Long Wait Times
With ED and hospital closures, overcrowding exists in the remaining facilities. Staff become overworked and overstressed, leading to diminished care. With budget cuts, new technology to assist the staff becomes unaffordable. These issues definitely contribute to longer wait times.  

CarePulse is both affordable and defines clear paths of improvement. 


We are not interested in pointing a finger at a problem but facilitating positive solutions to change the Emergency Department forever.

We have developed predictive and prescriptive software that identifies, in the live environment, bottlenecks in patient flow and waste. With a visual screen and escalating alerts, the software assists staff and leaders to easily identify issues before they are out of control. Accurate operational assessments can now be made for both management and staff, returning a “team” atmosphere to the ED as all parties are able to simultaneously see and address bottlenecks in the system. CarePulse is making a difference and changing an industry by assisting staff in improving patient care quality.

“The emergency room is the front door of every hospital in the nation.”
— Dr. Jeffrey R Dreyer, MD MBA

The ED is a highly variable environment. In the blink of an eye, the ED can go from smooth sailing to chaos. Some sources of slowdowns are easily identified as a trauma occurs or “the bus unloads.”  However, many are hidden and difficult to visualize, such as:

  • Under or unutilized bed resources
  • Bed opportunities
  • Testing delays
  • Surges in volume or acuity
  • Management of admission flow

These bottlenecks are not easily identified. Software utilizing live streaming, multisource data that analyzes, identifies, monitors and alerts users of system bottlenecks did not exist until now with CarePulse. Monitoring the throughput progress is as easy as looking at your computer, TV or handheld device, from anywhere in or outside of the hospital. 

We care and have made it our mission and mandate to see change and health come back to healthcare operations. 
